Mentoring: Coaching Skills

To nurture and grow effective managers learning the coaching approach from us would help them to be….

  • self aware, open and positive
  • independent problem solvers
  • clear communicators
  • motivated and inspirational
  • goal centric, action and results orientated 
  • empowered to make a positive difference.


Learning the process and skills to be an effective coach involves

  1. Understanding and demonstrating the value of people with respect, confidentiality and integrity.
  2. Applying tools and techniques effectively and achieving great results
  3. Giving and receiving constructive feedback to self reflect, learn and grow from experience

We use key questions to aid us as leaders, managers and professionals to learn about an industry, the business, the local, national and global market is serves, the trade, the organisations culture, the department, the team, the job and most importantly the person doing the job!
